Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 5

July 13, 2017

Today we are going to go with Winex to learn more about everything that they are working on at the Nixyaawii Governance Center. She talked about the order (water, fish, deer, roots, berry) and the importance of it. What I found most interesting was that when they need background on places they will talk to the elders and then tell the scientist what it is that they want to do instead of going to the scientist first. Also, when she said that before they tried to put all the tribes together in Kennewick at the Columbia Point and they almost ended up going to war over their land. It is crazy that I’ve lived in the Yakima Valley and Tri-cities area and I had never heard about this.

Next stop was the Native Plant Nursery. I had worked at a plant nursery for about 5 years so I was excited to see how this one would compare. We were met by Gail Red Berg, who has been the manager for the last 5 years. Gail shared that the nursery was established in 1994, it is an organic nursery so it is kind of hard to combat diseases, how they will collect cuttings themselves or get transplants, and only grow what it is that they need. Even though it is small there is so much to do and what I found really interesting was that most of what they plant they put back. At lunch Brenda and I realized that our van was not there anymore and we had no lunch which sucked because we were really tired. We figured we would just eat it as soon as the van came back.
After lunch we then met the funniest ladies I have ever met. Brandy, aka Handy Brandy, and Marie Davis, aka Mad Dog. They are both Nursey Technicians who have worked there for over 3 years. They showed us how to transplant and how to cut cuttings and plant them. Even though it was hot it was such a cool environment that everyone was having such a good time working. After we were done they gave everyone an ice cream. It was 4 time to leave and the van never came back. But it was still one of the best times I’ve had volunteering. Definitely coming back to visit.
Oh, I thought I’d share this picture that they had posted up in the bathroom.
When we got back we went with Lavita Red Elk to do some glass art. It was so crazy and scary to see how she cut the glass. I felt like it was going to shatter. And to see all the amazing art she had all around. She gave us all a chance to cut some pieces and then decorate our own. It was great seeing everyone’s different designs.
When we got back we went with Lavita Red Elk to do some glass art. It was so crazy and scary to see how she cut the glass. I felt like it was going to shatter. And to see all the amazing art she had all around. She gave us all a chance to cut some pieces and then decorate our own. It was great seeing everyone’s different designs.

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