Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 3

July 11, 2017

Today we went to North Twin Lakes and helped clean the trails. It was soo much fun being able to hike and help clean at the same time. It is amazing how much time and effort is put into these trails so that people will be able to walk and enjoy nature without harming the environment. They talked to us about how people will want to get off the trails and start making their own trails. So, they must walk these trails regularly to close any trails anyone tries to make. Just seeing how much effort they were putting into keeping these trails clean really motivated us to feel the same way and try as hard.

After wards we went to Spark Lake, which had a beautiful view of the broken top mountain. This place was pretty cool. Our job was to do creek restoration. We got a couple of big logs that had to be carried by almost everyone. It was great seeing all the teamwork and everyone lending a hand. Afterwards we went to Little Lava Lake to get wet. It was great to hear how much people cared about the environment and how much hard work they put into it.  I was able to learn so much and get a great workout in.

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