Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 2

July 10, 2017

We arrived at Deschutes National Forest and even though the drive was long and tiring the view was amazing! We got here setup our tents and had some dinner. I wanted to soak in all the nature so Brenda and I woke up at 5:30am to go for a job. It was so relaxing and beautiful. After that we ate breakfast and got ready for our next adventure. We were headed for the Lava Land Visitor Center. I was excited because I had never journeyed this far from Sunnyside. As soon as we got there we were greeted by Jim Elliott the Lead Ranger who then proceeded to take us to the others we would meet. One of the persons we met was Katy Chipko. She is from Kentucky and graduated from the University of Colorado. She is now the Executive Director for a Non- Profit organization called Children’s Forest of Central Oregon. Katy mentioned that the organizations goal is to get kids and families outdoors. Initially when I started school I wanted to get a degree in business and education. But was advised that they didn’t go together. So, I stuck to Business. But hearing Katy talk about the organization it makes me want to go back to my original plan and get a degree in education so that one day I can help run or do an organization that helps support kids and families in our community because there is nothing like this close to Yakima. This not only helps family spend time together but also helps get them moving. Someone else that made an impact on me was Cassidy Kern. Cassidy is the Public Affairs Specialist and she shared with us some of her past jobs that she has had like CBS, publicist, and making commercials for big brothers. She said that she finally asked herself “what do I want to do?” And that led to her taking risks and being flexible on the jobs she had, which led to her current job. So, I go to sleep asking myself “ What do I want to do?”

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